Santa drops off a few early childless tidbits

Dear friends,

Done with your Christmas shopping yet? Never mind. I haven’t even started. I just got home from Thanksgiving, and Christmas is coming at me like a freight train. But I’d rather talk to you.

Today I’m offering a collection of links to articles I think you will find interesting. Some may even make you feel good for a few minutes about not having children. Let me know what you think.

  1. Mothers Thought Less of Me Because I was a Childless Midwife

Interesting article about a midwife whose clients always asked, “Do you have children?” They often trusted her less when she said no.

2. The Childless Indian Woman Who Mothered Hundreds of Trees

This woman couldn’t have children, so she and her husband planted trees.

3. What All Moms Wish Their Best Friends Knew

Here’s a mom trying to reach out to her childless friend with some words of advice. Some might make you a little angry, but most make sense.

4. Childless Adults are Generally as Happy as Parents

Are they? Check out the statistics offered in this article.




4 thoughts on “Santa drops off a few early childless tidbits

  1. Hi Sue, Just last night I attended a Christmas party consisting of 11 high-school classmates (we’re all 67), all mothers, and me, no kids. Part of the “evening” consisted of sharing intimate information about your children, i.e., “I would like a cure for my son’s bipolar disease,” “my daughter will give me grandchildren when she has in vitro fertilization paid for by her company,” “my kids are now having difficulties with their kids so I guess what goes around comes around.” Although these holiday wishes are appalling, and I of course felt the exclusionary atmosphere, I thought maybe I’m not so bad off childless. For one thing I would never reveal someone’s private personal issues in public. Or is this how older women “share” these days?


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